FUNAAB SUG Notice to Tuition Loan Recipients
FUNAAB SUG Notice to Tuition Loan Recipients – The leadership of the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta Student Union (FUNAABSU) announced today that students who utilized the tuition loan program and have not yet repaid will be barred from taking exams until full repayment is made.School News Portal
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The loan program, established by FUNAABSU, provided financial assistance for tuition to students in need. According to the agreement, repayment was expected by the third week of the current semester. Despite multiple reminders about the binding repayment agreement, many students remain in default.
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In a statement released today, FUNAABSU leadership explained that barring participation in examinations is a necessary measure to retrieve the outstanding funds. They emphasized their ongoing commitment to quality representation and the well-being of students but stressed that legal agreements must be honoured. The union had previously demonstrated leniency on the loan repayment deadline.FUNAAB SUG Notice
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FUNAABSU invites any students impacted by this decision to promptly repay their loans in full to regain exam access. The student union looks forward to an expedited resolution that allows responsible loan recipients the opportunity to complete their coursework this term.