PAAU issues vital notice on Identity Card usage
PAAU issues vital notice on Identity Card usage – The university announced today that beginning October 30th, 2023, all staff, students and visitors will be required to visibly display proper identification while on university premises. This new policy aims to increase security and make it easier to identify individuals on campus.
As outlined in an email to the university community, all staff must wear their staff ID cards when entering and while on university property. Students must hang their university-issued ID cards at all times when on campus. And visitors must obtain and display visitor tags, which can be registered at the security desk in the Senate Building lobby.
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The policy email indicated this measure was enacted to make the university a safer and more secure environment. Checkpoints will be instituted to verify IDs as individuals enter campus buildings and facilities.
Some students have voiced concerns over privacy and convenience, but administrators stressed the importance of being able to identify those present on campus for safety reasons. Signage will be posted around campus to remind everyone about the new ID requirements.
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University police chief John Smith said, “Requiring visible identification will deter any unauthorised or potentially dangerous individuals from accessing our campus.” He noted that many other universities have similar policies in place.
The mandatory ID policy takes effect October 30th. All students, staff and visitors are advised to ensure they have the proper credentials before coming to campus.