Emerson Academic Calendar 2023/2024
Emerson Academic Calendar – Founded in 1880, Emerson College is the only comprehensive college or university in the United States dedicated solely to communication and the arts. Located in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts, Emerson educates students through interdisciplinary curricula that blend liberal arts coursework with professional training in their chosen field. Nearly 3,750 undergraduate and graduate students from across the U.S. and over 90 countries study at Emerson.
The 2023-2024 academic calendar provides key dates and deadlines for Emerson students, faculty, and staff. As outlined in the calendar, Emerson follows a two-semester schedule from September through May, with an optional summer term. Important dates denote semester start and end dates, course registration/drop deadlines, examination periods, graduation milestones, housing schedules, and breaks.
Following this calendar allows the Emerson community to track and plan for important academic and co-curricular events throughout the year. For over 140 years, Emerson College has trained engaged citizens across communication fields guided by the critical deadlines and events detailed in the annual academic schedule. This calendar continues that strong tradition of excellence.
Read Also: UMass Boston Academic Calendar 2023/2024
Fall 2023
- July 15 (Saturday): Last day to add to fall waitlists
- August 1 (Tuesday): Fall 2023 Tuition, room, board and fee payments due for Fall semester
- August 4 (Friday): Last day to withdraw from a course with a WP/WF for Full Summer and Summer Session 2 classes
- August 15 (Tuesday): Fall waitlists dissolved
- August 20 (Sunday): Last day of summer Speech@Emerson classes
- August 23 (Wednesday): Writing for Film and TV students arrive in Boston for residency
- August 24 (Thursday) – August 28 (Monday): Writing for Film and TV Boston Residency
- August 27 (Sunday): International & Student of Color Student Move-In
- August 27 (Sunday) – August 28 (Monday): Pre-Orientation Programs (BIPOC and International Students)
- August 29 (Tuesday): Undergraduate New Student Move-in
- August 29 (Tuesday) – September 3 (Sunday): New & Transfer Student Orientation
- August 30 (Wednesday): ELA Classes Begin, Undergraduate New Student Orientation, Parent and Family Orientation
- August 31 (Thursday) – September 3 (Sunday): Undergraduate New Student Orientation
- August 31 (Thursday): Grad Orientation for in-person programs
- September 1 (Friday): Returning Student Move-In, Last day to withdraw from the College for Fall with a full refund
- September 2 (Saturday): Returning Student Move-In
- September 4 (Monday): Labor Day, Speech@Emerson Classes Start, Kasteel Well Classes Start
- September 5 (Tuesday): First Day of Boston Fall semester classes, First day to register for fall non-tuition co-curriculars
- September 6 (Wednesday) – September 8 (Friday): Week of Welcome
- September 11 (Monday): Last day to add a Boston campus class without instructor permission
- September 18 (Monday): Last day to add or drop a fall Boston campus class
- September 19 (Tuesday): Last day to file an Intent to Graduate form for students intending to graduate in December, Course withdrawal period begins (no tuition refund for course withdrawals)
- September 30 (Saturday): Fall Open House – Experience Emerson
- October 9 (Monday): Indigenous People’s Day—No classes
- October 10 (Tuesday): (Tuesday) Monday class schedule observed
- October 13 (Friday) – October 15 (Sunday): Family Weekend
- October 15 (Sunday): Last day to register for a co-curricular online
- October 20 (Friday): Spring 2024 Course listings released to the web at 5:00 pm EDT
- October 22 (Sunday): Speech@Emerson 1st 7-week Classes End
- October 23 (Monday) – November 3 (Friday): Spring 2024 Registration Advising for all currently enrolled undergraduates
- October 23 (Monday): Speech@Emerson 2nd 7-week Classes Begin
- October 24 (Tuesday): First Seven-week session for Boston campus courses ends, Midterm Grades (C- or below only) for undergraduate students due at 12:00 p.m. EDT
- October 25 (Wednesday): Second Seven-week session for Boston campus courses begins
- October 30 (Monday): Grades due for First Seven-week session Boston campus courses
- November 2 (Thursday) – November 17 (Friday): Spring 2024 Registration for all currently enrolled students
- November 6 (Monday): Friday Schedule Observed
- November 10 (Friday): Veteran’s Day (observed)—No classes
- November 17 (Friday): Last day to withdraw from a fall class with a WP/WF grade, Last day to withdraw from the College for the Fall semester, Master’s Theses/Projects due to Committee Chairs for approval for December degree candidates
- November 20 (Monday): Registration Closed for 24 hours
- November 21 (Tuesday): Speech@Emerson Registration for New Students Opens at 1:00 pm EST, Eligible students may register for an overload
- November 22 (Wednesday): Last day to withdraw from a Speech@Emerson class, Residence Halls close at 12:00 noon EST for Thanksgiving break
- November 22 (Wednesday) – November 24 (Friday): Thanksgiving Break–No classes
- November 26 (Sunday): Residence Halls re-open at 12:00 noon EST
- November 27 (Monday): Fall classes resume at 8:00 a.m. EST
- December 7 (Thursday): Kasteel Well Classes End
- December 12 (Tuesday): ELA Classes End
- December 14 (Thursday): Tuition, room, board and fee payments due for Spring semester
- December 14 (Thursday) – December 17 (Sunday): Speech@Emerson Immersion
- December 17 (Sunday): Last day of Speech@Emerson classes, Speech@Emerson Graduate Hooding Ceremony
- December 18 (Monday): Last day for graduate students to submit Master’s Theses/Projects to the Graduate Studies Office for December degree candidates, Last day of Boston Fall classes, Last day to join a Spring 2024 waitlist, Last day to submit Spring Directed Study Proposals to Department Chairs for approval
- December 19 (Tuesday): Residence Halls close at 12:00 noon EST
- December 21 (Thursday): Final fall grades due at 12:00 p.m. EST, Final fall grades viewable to students who have completed their course evaluations at 5:00 p.m. EST, Last day incomplete grades from Spring/Summer can be changed; incomplete grades not changed become I/F
Read Also: UMB Academic Calendar 2023/2024 and 2024/2025
Spring 2024
- January 3 (Wednesday): Writing for Film & TV students arrive in LA for residency
- January 4 (Thursday) – January 8 (Monday): Writing for Film & TV LA Residency
- January 8 (Monday) – January 12 (Friday): CSD January Intersession
- January 10 (Wednesday): Spring waitlisting closed; all remaining students removed from waitlists at 9:00 a.m. EST
- January 11 (Thursday): Grad Orientation for in-person programs, New First Time & Transfer Student move in
- January 11 (Thursday) – January 14 (Sunday): New First Time & Transfer Student Orientation
- January 12 (Friday): Grad Orientation for online programs, Last day to withdraw from the College for Spring with a full refund
- January 12 (Friday) – January 14 (Sunday): Returning Student Move-In
- January 15 (Monday): MLK Day, Last day to register for a spring internship in Boston without prior approval from the Career Development Center
- January 16 (Tuesday): First day of Boston spring classes
- January 18 (Thursday): First day of ELA classes and internships
- January 22 (Monday): Last day to add a class without instructor permission
- January 23 (Tuesday): January Intersession Grades Due
- January 24 (Wednesday): Last day to add an ELA class without instructor permission
- January 29 (Monday): Last day to add or drop a Spring class
- January 30 (Tuesday): Course withdrawal period begins (no tuition refund), Last day to file an Intent to Graduate Form for students intending to Graduate in May
- January 31 (Wednesday): Last day to add/drop ELA classes
- February 1 (Thursday): ELA course withdrawal period begins (no tuition refund)
- February 19 (Monday): President’s Day—No classes
- February 20 (Tuesday): Monday Class Schedule Observed
- February 24 (Saturday): Picture Yourself at Emerson
- March 4 (Monday): Speech@Emerson 1st 7 Week Grades Due
- March 5 (Tuesday): First seven-week session for Boston courses ends, Midterm Grades (C- or below only) for undergraduate students due at 12:00 p.m. EST, Last day to register for a co-curricular online, Summer 2024 course listings released to the web
- March 6 (Wednesday): Second Seven-week session for Boston courses begins
- March 8 (Friday): Classes end at 9:45 p.m. EST for Spring Break
- March 9 (Saturday): Residence Halls Close for Spring Break at 12:00 noon EST
- March 11 (Monday) – March 15 (Friday): Spring Break—No classes
- March 11 (Monday): Grades due for First Seven-week session Boston campus courses
- March 12 (Tuesday): Speech@Emerson Current Student Summer Registration Opens at 1:00 pm EDT
- March 15 (Friday): Fall 2024 Course listings released to the web (during Spring Break)
- March 17 (Sunday): Residence Halls re-open at 12:00 noon EDT
- March 18 (Monday) – March 29 (Friday): Fall 2024 Registration Advising for all currently enrolled undergraduates
- March 18 (Monday): Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. EDT, Summer 2024 Registration opens
- March 19 (Tuesday): Speech@Emerson New Student Summer Registration
- April 1 (Monday) – April 10 (Wednesday): Fall 2024 Registration for currently enrolled students
- April 6 (Saturday): Picture Yourself at Emerson
- April 9 (Tues): Last day to withdraw from a Spring class with a WP/WF grade, Last day to withdraw from the College for the Spring semester, Master’s Theses/Projects due to Committee Chairs for approval for May degree candidates
- April 5 (Friday): Speech@Emerson Last Day to Withdraw
- April 11 (Thursday): Registration Closed for 24 hours
- April 12 (Friday): Registration Re-opens—Eligible students may register for an overload, Employees with Tuition Remission begin registration
- April 15 (Monday): Patriot’s Day—No classes
- April 16 (Tuesday): Monday class schedule observed
- April 18 (Thursday): Class Make-up day*
- April 18 (Thursday) – April 21 (Sunday): Speech@Emerson Immersion
- April 21 (Sunday): Speech@Emerson Graduate Hooding Ceremony
- April 25 (Thursday): Speech@Emerson Full Semester and Second 7 Week Grades Due
- May 2 (Thursday): Last day for graduate students to submit Master’s Theses/Projects to the Graduate Studies Office for May degree candidates, Last day of Boston Spring classes, Last day to file an Intent to Graduate Form for summer graduating students intending to receive their degree in August but not participating in the May Commencement Ceremony, Last day to submit Summer and Fall directed study proposals to Department Chairs for approval
- May 3 (Friday): Residence halls close at 12:00 noon EDT for students not participating in Commencement
- May 6 (Monday): Final grades for all students finishing their degree in Spring 2024 due by 11:59PM
- May 9 (Thursday): Final spring grades due at 12:00 p.m. EDT, Final Grades viewable to students who have completed their course evaluations at 5:00 p.m. EDT, Last day incomplete grades from Fall can be changed; incomplete grades not changed become I/F
- May 11 (Saturday): Graduate Hooding Ceremonies
- May 12 (Sunday): Commencement
- May 13 (Monday): Residence halls close at 12:00 p.m. EDT for students who participated in Commencement
Read Also: Chamberlain Academic Calendar 2023-2024
Emerson College structures its 2023-2024 academic year around fall and spring semesters, supplemented by an optional summer term. The calendar denotes important deadlines for students to register for and drop courses, apply for graduation, final exam periods, housing schedules, as well as campus breaks and closures. Following this schedule allows Emerson’s undergraduate and graduate students to map out classes and requirements toward completing their degree programs. For over 140 years, Emerson has maintained excellence in communication and arts education guided by these term schedules and significant milestones outlined annually.